Charcoal kiln

Here is a charcoal kiln during a burn which can take up to 30 hrs to turn the wood into charcoal.

Local charcoal from Rhododendron

There is, unfortunately, a disease spreading throughout the Rhododendrons in Cornwall and Devon, called Phytophthora Ramorum or sudden oak death. As the rhododendron is an invasive species like sycamore, Defra have decided to safeguard the disease spreading to our native species by removing the diseasesd rhododendrons.
To stop this from becoming a waste of a valuable resource and because charcoal is usually imported from endangered woodlands far across the globe, we are offering to use the cut wood which would otherwise have to be burned on site. Our plan is to establish the production of Tree-Cycled Charcoal.

Charcoal making with friends in Lancaster

We had a great day working in the woods, learning the basics and packing a few sacks of charcoal.